The Atticus Chronicles

Howdy Folks! After waiting very patiently for my husband to set up a web page for my son for almost a year I figured it was high time that I took matters into my own hands. Introducing our Family Blog! I hope to get on here fairly regularly to let you all know about the adventures of our family and to post the latest pic's of Atticus. Stay tuned ...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Weekend at the beach

After a week of Atti being sick and stuck at home Justin and I decided to take him on an adventure so we drove down to Rosebud for the night to visit his greats and to see the sea for the first time. Unfortunately it belted down with rain most of the time we were there so we were unable to actually go into the water but Atticus seemed satisfied with just feeding the seagulls. He had an awesome time with Nana June & Poppa Max and was so pleased to see them. We'll have to do it more often (and when the weather is more conducive to swimming)!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Is this boy ever NOT sick?

Bloody child care!

We are house bound this week as Atti has a chest/ear infection and some kind of nasty viral rash all over his body. I swear he's sick more than well these days and I know that in theory this means that his immune system will be stronger down the track but right now ... I need to get out of the house! Thank God it's Friday!

Mum and Dad are due to visit this arvo which will be a very welcome distraction indeed as I'm exhausted from holding a crying clingy baby all day and completely out of both energy and enthusiasm.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Whadda ya lookin at?

Apparently it's quite normal to sit eating biccies whilst wearing a box of tissues on your head ... Atti tells me it's all the rage in Germany at the moment!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Went to the Museum today and met up with a couple of friends (Amy, Grant & Aurora and Caroline, James & Juliet). The children's section was just awesome and I couldn't get Atti to stand still for two seconds he was having such a ball. We'll be going back again very soon (and at only $6 entry we can afford to)! Unfortunately little Rora was sick only a couple of hours after we arrived so had to be whisked home for some bed rest and TLC which cut our visit short but Atticus seemed to recover from her absence pretty quickly after being shown his first hula hoop ;-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Child Care

After a false start last week due to Atti having gastro, today was his first day at child care. Things didn't start off too well with Atticus bursting into tears before we even got out of the car. He was extremely upset when I left him with Debra, so much so that I shed a couple of tears on the way back to the car. I called an hour later to find that he was sleeping (which he did for about an hour and a half) he then had some lunch and had a play with Casey (a favourite play mate already) and I picked him up at 2pm. He was having a grizzle when I arrived but wasn't sobbing like I expected so it wasn't as bad as it could of been I suppose. Hopefully next week will be an improvement (fingers crossed)!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lis and Trent came over this morning for a play date. The boys are both very placid in nature so I'm sure they're going to be firm friends in no time. Trent was a big fan of the kitties and was so gentle with them! Atti loved the company (as usual) and was very keen to show Trent all of his toys (especially since they both seem to have an afinity with balls) ;-)

Atti & Trent Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Theo's been a bit NQR of late and gave us quite a scare as the vet said he was showing signs of kidney failure. Thankfully (after they performed every test known to man) it was determined that nothing too sinister is going on and that he's just got himself a nasty bacterial infection in his tummy. He's currently on a cocktail of antibiotics and we're hoping he'll be back to his old smoochy drooling self in no time.

My two furry men Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

Bubble mania Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

You can never have too many balloons Posted by Picasa

Balloon city Posted by Picasa