The Atticus Chronicles

Howdy Folks! After waiting very patiently for my husband to set up a web page for my son for almost a year I figured it was high time that I took matters into my own hands. Introducing our Family Blog! I hope to get on here fairly regularly to let you all know about the adventures of our family and to post the latest pic's of Atticus. Stay tuned ...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Slowly does it

Atti is terrified of the water (or at least being in it without holding onto a parent with both arms and legs) so we've enroled him into swimming classes again.

The first class involved a fair bit of crying but these pics were taken at class number three and I think he's finally starting to enjoy it and even to get a little bit of confidence.

He asked me yesterday if he learns to swim well if he'll be able to swim with the sharks when we visit Sea World in February!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Looks like nerdism is genetic after all ;-)