The Atticus Chronicles

Howdy Folks! After waiting very patiently for my husband to set up a web page for my son for almost a year I figured it was high time that I took matters into my own hands. Introducing our Family Blog! I hope to get on here fairly regularly to let you all know about the adventures of our family and to post the latest pic's of Atticus. Stay tuned ...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

We've pretty much moved to Lilydale Lake ...

Went to the lake again this morning to meet Mel & Aidan for a bit of a play and while were were there we couldn't pass up the opportunity to feed the ducks. They weren't at all shy and were actually stealing food out of the boys hands (cheeky buggers)! Atti loved them and kept trying to give them pats. Aidan wasn't quite sure (after all they kept stealing all of his teddy bear biscuits)!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Lilydale Lake again

Had so much fun yesterday that I talked Justin into taking us back to the lake today. As an added bonus they had all these little boats out on the water so we spent some time watching them sail (along with the mandatory splash in the water and feeding of the ducks of course)!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Play dates with Lis & Trent

Spent the morning at Lisa & Trent's this morning. The boys are both so similar in temperament. They played so gently together, it's just so gorgeous to watch. The both share a love/obsession of Boohbah among other things and it was so cute to watch Trent giving Atti "the tour" of his house and showing him how the toys worked.

I was supposed to be going to Lilydale Lake on Friday with Mel & Aidan but she had a bit of a scare and had to have some R&R time so I invited Lis & Trent instead and we had an absolute ball! I just can't believe I've only just discovered this playground and it's only a 15 minute drive away! We spent a good hour and a half exploring the new play area, then sat down for a bit of a picnic lunch followed by what was by far Atti's favourite part - splashing/sitting in the water and feeding the ducks down at the little beach.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Visiting Atti's Cousins

Atti and I drove to Healesville after breakfast this morning to spend some quality time with his cousins Tristan, Cooper and Rohan. The cleaning lady was there at the time so we were banished to the outside playarea which suited Atticus just fine. He had a ball walking wheelbarrows round the yard, drawing on the chalkboard and climbing up and down the climbing frame. The boys seems to be playing better together every time they see each other which is really good. Granny & Grumpy were also there (and I think it's safe to say that Grumpy was pretty impressed with the painting the Atti presented him that was the fruit of Monday's intensive painting session).

After the triplets hit the sack at around 11am we drove round to my folks new place for some lunch (and to pat the puppies/kitties). Atticus dragged Dad round the yard for the best part of an hour making him go "up up up up" and "down down down down" the small hill in their back yard. I'm sure both boys slept soundly that night!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Finn & Brian's Birthday Party

Went to Finn & Brian's Birthday party today and had the best time! Atticus was apprehensive at first but soon got over it when he spotted balloons ... and cake! Little Finn is just so adorable ... every time I see him I think about sticking him under my shirt and shoplifting him home.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Atti's Holiday

Atti went to stay with his Nana & Pa on Saturday night so I thought I'd include a couple of pics from his holiday. I've also included a couple that I'd spotted on David's camera and just had to post so I apologise that it's all out of chronological order.

We went to see A history of violence since we had the night off and loved it. I'd go so far as to say it's my favourite David Cronenberg film (although Videodrome does come a VERY close second).

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Atticus and I had a picnic in the local park with Monica and Amelia this morning. It was such good fun! The kids played on the equipment and then afterwards we spread out the picnic rug and had ourselves a smorgusboard of fruit, biccies and other goodies.

Amelia was pushing Atti on the swing at one stage and Atti was laughing hysterically! They had such fun and we'll really have to do it again soon.

I had a dinner and a movie date with Melissa tonight too and we went to see Match Point. It certainly wasn't the Woody Allen I'm used to but I loved it. Very dark and not a joke anywhere to be seen. Certainly new territory for Allen and I was a big fan!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Atticus Loves Theo

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I've been sick in bed with a migraine for the past couple of days (you should see the killer bruise on my arm from the needle the Doc gave me) so we've been taking things pretty quiet this weekend. We took Atti off to have his hair cut on Sunday and these picks are the result. He's getting so good at posing for the camera. He even says 'cheese'! What a cheeky monkey.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Terrible Twos

It's getting very 'challenging' of late. In one single day of last week Atti managed to:
  • Eat half a crayon
  • Fill the cat water bowl with cat food and then pour it into the laundry basket
  • Stand on the back of the couch
  • Destroy two rolls of toilet paper
  • Sit in a cat (while giggling in an maniacal fashion)
  • Leave vegemite hand prints all over both white couch covers.
I'm a bit over it really. I mean, I know he's just testing the boundaries but I think at this point he's well and truly found them!

Went to Melissa's for a playdate on Monday and Vikki & Lochie were also there which is always good fun. Atti is now thoroughly addicted to twiggy sticks thanks to Mel!

Tuesday we had morning tea with Kelly & Finn and Atti acted really strangely. It was almost as if he was frightened on Finn which just isn't right. I think he's a bit out of sorts with the whole teething thing of late (and seems to be suffering from a reflux relapse as a result too). When will the reflux ever go away?

Childcare today went brilliantly! Atti started crying as soon as I got him out of the car so I thought they'd probably be on the phone to me within the hour but then once I'd gone he was a totally different baby. In fact, when I went to pick him up in the afternoon he was playing and laughing with the other babies and although he acknowledged me, didn't run into my arms or anything. It was by far the best day at childcare he's EVER had and I'm so pleased we made the decision to change centres.