The Atticus Chronicles

Howdy Folks! After waiting very patiently for my husband to set up a web page for my son for almost a year I figured it was high time that I took matters into my own hands. Introducing our Family Blog! I hope to get on here fairly regularly to let you all know about the adventures of our family and to post the latest pic's of Atticus. Stay tuned ...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Typical that since I'm so damned scared of needles that when I went to have my blood tests on Monday the girl was unsuccessful in obtain a spot of blood despite three tries.

I bravely tried again on Wednesday and after having the first vein stop pumping blood (as I was freaking out) we tried once again and finally got the quantity needed for the first (of MANY) blood tests to come. Please tell me this isn't going to be a trend for this pregnancy ...

It goes without saying that Atti is going to be nowhere near me when I have any of these tests done ... I really don't set the best example (although I wish he was there to hold my hand and kiss it better).


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