Sleep School
I was really really nervous about going in to sleep school but I did know it's for the best ... just a bit horrible being away from my husband and kitties and sharing a room with a stranger in a strange place with a bunch of strangers telling me how to look after my baby ... I'm sure you know what I mean ... but I knew that they were there to help and I tried to look at it as an opportunity rather than an ordeal (was that the longest sentence ever)?
Anyway, after an aweful lot of crying initially (from both me and the baby), Atticus finally slept ... and slept and slept! Apparently he was catching up on lost sleep and it's just unbelievable how tired the little guy must have been! He's a completely different bub now. It's really just amazing the transformation that's taken place! I'd recommend this program to anyone as it's given me my sanity back and all the staff were so supportive.
I'm a bit nervous about getting home and having the routine just fall apart but I guess that will only happen if I let it. I have the tools now ... in theory!
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