The Atticus Chronicles

Howdy Folks! After waiting very patiently for my husband to set up a web page for my son for almost a year I figured it was high time that I took matters into my own hands. Introducing our Family Blog! I hope to get on here fairly regularly to let you all know about the adventures of our family and to post the latest pic's of Atticus. Stay tuned ...

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Having an absolutely crap couple of days! Guess Atticus is just going through "that time". He's been very unsettled and screams for the boob, then cries and refuses to drink the boob, then drinks the boob and spits out the milk, then cries because I take the boob away! I don't think he knows what he wants!

I think he has a pain in his tummy (as I see him straining and his bum is all sore looking and he is doing some very scary farts and then crying afterwards) but it seems to be going away today (I did try to get him into the Docs but couldn't get an appointment until tomorrow). Hopefully he'll be so exhausted that he'll have a big feed and sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow as a new boy (fingers crossed).


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